Only Love
As I read the Scriptures and listen to the Father's heart,
again and again I see that love is the feature, always.
But we are so often drawn to finger pointing and division instead.
Or we are drawn to 'having answers' and creating a framework that seems safe.
I believe this is the great deceit.
Love is the cure.
Love is the answer.
God, who is Love, is the One who pursues all of us.
It leaves the one who is loved with the mystery of not knowing the answers.
It leaves the one being loved with the experience of love
and yet having to sit with the mystery of that love.
Our journey as followers of Christ consists in the willingness to wait patiently, trustingly, faithfully IN THE LOVE while the answers remain hidden, the knowledge remains hidden, through a glass darkly, until the fullness of the light is revealed.
So learn how to be loved. Learn how to not know. This is rest. This is the fullness of God.
LOVE, alone.
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